Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Using Video To Market Real Estate - Catching On Throughout The World

An article in today's NY Times describes the explosion of Podcasting in Europe and Asia. Podcasting, or the act of loading video onto an Ipod is being used by real estate buyers and sellers as a way for finding and marketing properties.

The use of video to market real estate properties in America has caught on most quickly — with video tours of homes now widely available — but property markets in the rest of the world also are beginning to embrace the idea. One of the possible reasons for America leading the charge is the slow down in our housing market and the need to come up with innovative ways to make a property stand out from the crowd.

As tools to create these marketing videos continue to become simpler and more inexpensive, coupled with the continued launch of video posting sites such as You Tube and Google Video, this medium is sure to explode. promotes the use of the various video posting sites to clients that it has created 3D Walkthroughs, 3D Floor Plans and 3D Renderings for. The more places that they make these pre-sales marketing tools available the more likely and quicker it is that they will find an interested buyer.

You can read the full NY Times article here>>>

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