Sunday, September 21, 2008

3D Assets and Tough Economic Times has been asked quite often recently if we are noticing a slide in our business due to the tough real estate climate. The truth of the matter is that almost all industries are affected in one way or another.

I do not think anyone could have predicted just how dire the situation would have become over the last few weeks. While we are still getting new inquiries, the quantity has diminished somewhat, as has the types of projects coming in.

We have had recent discussions with many of our real estate/developer friends and clients and the general consensus is that there is still more negative news to come.

Our company is still optimistic that marketing directors continue to look for innovative tools such as 3D Floor Plans, 3D Walkthroughs and 3D Renderings to help make their properties stand out from the competition. The question remains though if they do more than just browse.

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