Saturday, December 15, 2007

3D Virtual Lower East Side (

Over the past past year has been writing about the convergence of social networks and 3D virtual worlds. 3D environments create an immersive and much more interesting way of interacting within a social network than flat 2D social environments.

The music industry is pushing the pace of this convergence seemingly faster than any other industry. Almost every day a new or existing band is announcing a performance in one of the 3D virtual worlds, such as Second Life or

We just came across a new 3D virtual world which was conceived by MTV. VLES, short for virtual lower east side, is focused specifically on the music industry and modeled after the lower east side of Manhattan. I firmly believe that as the convergence of 3D virtual worlds and social networks continues, the 3D virtual platforms with a specific target audience are the ones that are going to be successful.

About VLES

What is VLES?
vLES is a new online social network that revolves around New York City's Lower East Side—a Mecca for young bands and music. It's also where artists, fashion designers, and promoters mix together in a big melting pot of trendsetting, partying, music-loving insanity. We asked these people for their help in creating a digital replica of their neighborhood. It's called the virtual Lower East Side (vLES) and now you can be part of it.

What Goes on Here?
Imagine you had the means to attend concerts from today’s most groundbreaking bands night after night, for free. Well, now you do. No matter where you live you’ll have the opportunity to see uncut live performances at recreations of legendary LES venues, like virtual Pianos and virtual Cake Shop. We’ve also made it easy for all you struggling bands to share your music with the world, with the potential to land real gigs and television spots.

Who did this?
Originally conceived by MTV Music Group, we teamed up with the Virtue group for Music Production, Marketing and Creative Consulting. The Virtual World was built by Doppelganger. The corresponding website was put together by the Donat Group, with the Artistic Guidance of Signature Creative.

Source: VLES website

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