Monday, June 23, 2008

Yanko Design - Loves This Site!

Every day scours the internet doing research for the various projects we are involved with. In addition to searching for specific information we also visit a few select sites to help give us inspiration when we get into a "brain rut".

I must say one of the most fascinating sites we visit often is Yanko Design. Almost every day we find something on the site that makes us say "how cool is that?". If you are even mildly interested in innovative new technology and product design, it is worth subscribing to the Yanko Design site feed.

About Yanko Design
Yanko Design is a web magazine dedicated to introducing the best modern international design, covering from industrial design, concepts, technology, interior design, architecture, exhibition and fashion. It’s about the cutting edge and the classic, the new and the rediscovered. It’s all about the best. reaches a rapidly expanding audience of approximately 360,000+ unique users, viewing 2 million pageviews each month with 8,000+ total daily newsletter subscribers making it the world’s most popular & influential online design magazine.

Image and Text Source:Yanko Design Website

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