Tuesday, August 19, 2008

3D Animation in The Court Room

3Dwalkthroughs.com came across an interesting article in Fortune Small Business Magazine about a few animation studios that are creating 3D animations to help clients win or defend lawsuits.

With the prices of 3D animation decreasing over the last few years, 3D animation is being used by more and more attorneys to help with their cases. According to the article, 25% of firms with 50-99 attorneys used 3D animation in 2007.

Due to the sensitive nature of the materials, the 3D animation used by attorney's are scrutinized very carefully. So much in fact,there have been instances where 3D animations have actually cost attorney's their case.

There seems to be a fine line between successfully using subtle visual clues to influence a jury and being too manipulative. Interestingly enough many 3D animations are actually so well produced that they result in a settlement before ever reaching the courtroom.

I do not envision that 3Dwalkthroughs.com will shift it's gears to focus on this market any time soon but it does seem very interesting.

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