Thursday, March 13, 2008

3D Movie Industry is Set To Explode

In the last year the movie industry has re-embraced 3D as THE format to produce major motion pictures. Movie's such as U23D and Hannah Montana 3D have taken the world by storm.

One of the company's which has been a big proponent of 3D technology is Pixar films which is soon to release Toy Story 3 in 3D. Not to be outdone, Dreamworks has just announced that it will be investing $30m dollars a year into 3D technology as it hopes to get the edge over rival Pixar.

"Clearly I'm putting my money where my mouth is and the company's bet on it", said CEO Katzenberg in an interview with Reuters.

Katzenberg said that he plans to make all of Dreamworks' future films in 3D. The company's latest animated movie, Monsters vs. Aliens, will open in the US in March 2009 and be shown in 3D where available.

Source: Sky News believes the 3D revolution in the movie industry will carry over to many other industries due to the cross pollination between the media industry and the rest of the business world.

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