Monday, May 12, 2008

Get Your 3D Glasses - 3D Images Available on Flickr

When you get a chance, get a pair of 3D glasses and log on to the popular photo sharing site Flickr. There is a bunch of really cool 3D images that your will only fully experience when you pop on your glasses. was busy doing some research on and came across a mention of a few of master wax-worker Clemente Susini's (1757-1814) anatomical waxes in 3D that were posted on Flickr. The images are compliments of Stanford Medicine's newly released series of anaglyphs. Robert Chase, MD, along with a team of many others, have produced 3D stereo photos of Susini waxes held at the Museo delle Cere Anatomiche Luigi Cattaneo and made 6 of them available for public perusal on their Flickr page.

Image and Data Source:

If you are into the whole 3D thing, and do not get a headache while viewing 3D images with your glasses on, it is worth spending some time reviewing the many 3D images on Flickr. We believe is just a matter of time before we can lose the glasses altogether.

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