Monday, April 21, 2008

3D Virtual Animal Testing Technology Being Developed in Taiwan

How can anyone look at the above picture and not feel good about the innovative 3D technology being developed in Taiwain that will reduce the need for live Guinea Pigs used in labratory testing? just came across a story in the China Post about a 3D Virtual Guinea Pig system that is being developed to project the interaction between a drug and the animal without using a live Guinea Pig. The projection is based on given settings and the guinea pigs' sectional images, physical information, and biological characteristics entered in the database.

The 3D virtual guinea pig system was developed by NARL's National Laboratory Animal Center (NLAC), which used true color image algorithms to reconstruct guinea pigs in a digitized environment. NLAR researchers said they have finished establishing the imagery data and will have the system ready for practical applications after some final adjustments are made.

Source: The China Post

If this technology is successful we would love to see it introduced to other labratories that are using live animals for their testing...perhaps a cute picture will help during the pitch meeting.

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