Thursday, April 24, 2008

3D Virtual Venues - Is Your Demographic Ready For It? has been having discussions with decision makers spanning many industries. The conversations have been focused on our 3D Virtual Venue product, specifically what objections might prevent a company from investing in this cutting edge 3D technology.

It has become clear to us that THE biggest deciding factor whether a company will embrace a 3D Virtual Venue is the demographic in which they operate. Older demographics that have trouble navigating the most basic computer operations have been the most reluctant to realize the potential that 3D virtual venue technology offers.

By way of contrast, we have found that demographics which grew up in the internet age, or even a few years after, have been very interested in the features of our 3D virtual venue technology. In many cases this demographic has even suggested many interesting applications we did not think of ourselves.

As we get ready to officially launch our 3D Virtual Venue platform it will be interesting to see which companies move forward with an investment in the short term, and which companies wait for other to take the leap before dipping their toe in the 3D waters.

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