Saturday, March 8, 2008

3D Walkthroughs Created From 2D Photos? came across a blurb on's blog about a technology created at Stanford University that can convert 2D Photos into 3D models.

The technology takes a two-dimensional image and creates a three-dimensional "fly around" model, giving the viewers access to the scene's depth and a range of points of view. After uploading your image, you can "fly" in the 3D scene or watch a rendered 3D movie.

It uses powerful machine learning techniques to learn the relation between small image patches and their depth and orientation. This allows it to model 3D structures such as slopes of mountains or branches of trees.

Source: Make3D website

Click here>> to see a gallery of 3D samples from the the Make3D website.

As this technology continues to improve, we envision virtual tour photographers integrating this into their product mix. Imagine the ability to create a 3D Walkthrough of an existing property with just a digital camera...pretty cool.

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