3Dwalkthroughs.com arrived in Munich, Germany about 4pm and we headed straight to the main shopping area immediately after checking into our hotel. Munich was much more modern than the other cities we visited and actually reminded us of certain areas of London. The makeup of the stores as well as the diversity of the people walking around was what you might expect in Picadilly Circus in London.
After a good night’s sleep we took a bus tour around Munich and visited certain notable landmarks such as BMW’s world headquarters and museum (pictured above), as well as the Olympic Stadium which the movie Munich was based on.
The second part of the day included a very powerful visit to Dachaus. Dachaus was the first concentration camp built by the Nazi’s and served as a model for all of the other concentration camps. Needless to say it was overwhelming and very emotional.
This concludes the diversion from our normal 3D posts as we head back to New York tomorrow morning. We hoped our play by play of our trip through Vienna, Budapest, Prague and Munich was somewhat enjoyable and informative.
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